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When developing Community Mental Health Services to support people with psychiatric disabilities, European countries are advocating evidence based practice (EBP ). Individual Placement and Support (IPS ) is an evidence based model designed to support people in acquiring and maintaining competitive employment. Implementation science is a growing research field, with a focus on components that impact the process of implementing EBP programmes. In this multiple case study, we have followed three IPS demonstration sites for two years, in order to describe and analyze barriers and facilitators for implementation, according to constructs described in the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Damschroder et al. 2009 ). The results highlight the importance of strategic networking, as well as the need for planning and preparations carried out before the start of an EBP programme, since deficiencies related to these constructs are difficult to compensate for.   相似文献   
In this article, I call for a phenomenological turn in educating white, pre-service teachers. As opposed to dominant pedagogical models which focus on changing one’s beliefs about race, phenomenology points toward the importance of pre-conceptual, pre-critical forms of racial embodiment. Here I draw upon recent work on the different between body image (beliefs about the body) and body schema (what the body can do). The worry is that existing forms of anti-oppressive education miss the centrality of the schema, and thus do not go far enough in uncovering the embodied, perceptual roots of racism.  相似文献   
Drawing on Delgado and Yosso’s counterstory, Yosso’s community cultural wealth, and Alsup’s borderland discourses, the authors, who are women of color academics, use narratives from their lives to discuss the ways in which they draw on resources in managing and reconfiguring their multiple identities within the academy. These include identities of scholars, mentors, teachers, community members, mothers, and partners. They suggest that rather than merely being socialized into cultural reproduction, as much of the literature oriented toward women of color advises them to do in order to become successful, they seek to actually engage in transforming their roles and that of the academy by consciously and repeatedly making present and visible facets of identity that have previously been more-or-less absent in higher education. By presenting these counter-narratives the authors attempt to engage with ways of self-positioning that are, especially for women of color in academia, not frequently discussed or presented.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to provide a cross-lagged examination of the relationships between engaging leadership, job resources and employee work engagement. We propose a mediation model and we postulate that engaging leadership can increase perceptions of three specific job resources (i.e. autonomy, support from colleagues and opportunities for learning and development) which theoretically correspond to the three facets of engaging leadership (i.e., inspiring, connecting and strengthening, respectively). Subsequently, in keeping with the extant body of Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) research, we link job resources to employee work engagement. Our hypotheses were tested on data collected at two time-points – T1 (N = 759) and T2 (N = 273) –from employees working for a hotel chain in the Netherlands. In line with our expectations, engaging leadership showed a significant cross-lagged relationship with autonomy and support from colleagues, but did not predict learning opportunities and work engagement across time. While we formulated specific hypotheses, we also tested reversed causation relationships. We found no direct effect from engaging leadership on employee work engagement, however, the reversed effect was significant; employee perceptions of engaging leadership were shaped by their own engagement experiences. Importantly, engaged employees at T1 reported more job resources at T2. By providing a cross-lagged examination of our model, we showed that engaging leaders as well as employees’ positive affective state of being engaged, are essential to shaping a resourceful work context. A comprehensive view on the triggers and outcomes of work engagement and engaging leadership is needed, as the traditional unidirectional cause-effect rationale fails to explain how these concepts relate to one another and to employee experiences of job resources.  相似文献   
每当先进的发展制度开始取代落后的发展制度时,整个世界格局就会进入重大的转换阶段。在中国五千年的发展历史中,有两次重大的历史变局完全改变了中国历史发展轨迹并深远地影响了当前中国的发展模式。新时代下的中国作为前两次历史变局影响的客体,曾经既是先进发展制度取代落后发展制度的受益者,也经历过作为落后发展制度主体而被先进发展制度冲击的过程。目前世界正处于第三次先进发展制度与落后发展制度交替的历史变局阶段,作为第三次重大历史变局的主体,在三次千年历史变局叠加的背景下,能否有效地认识、适应并改造利用前两次历史变局的经验与教训,构建系统性、科学性、可行性、领先性的中国特色社会主义制度,将决定中国在本次历史变局中能否顺利成为先进发展制度的主体从而实现民族复兴。  相似文献   
民族自治地方政府在新一轮机构改革中进行了历史性变革和系统性重塑,然而顶层设计与分层对接机制优化、机构设置细化与整合、运转协同和效能提升仍未完全到位。回溯机构改革史,中华人民共和国成立初期作为政府顶层设计和系统性构建阶段,是民族自治地方政府机构建设最富成效的历史时期之一。这一时期的民族自治地方政府机构建设强调权能配置和人员构成的民族性,逐步差异化设置机构、探索单一制下政府机构平衡设置等历史经验,可以为进一步深化政府机构改革提供有益借鉴。在新的历史起点上深化民族自治地方政府机构改革应以新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,合理汲取历史养分,进一步深化理论研究,完善法制体系,明晰特殊性职权和民族性职能,健全顶层设计与分层对接机制,创新改革模式,强化地方参与性,切实破解改革难题,推动政府自身建设持续走向深入。  相似文献   
当前,发展中国家地位问题受到国际社会的高度关注,已成为世界贸易组织改革中的主要讨论议题。然而,现行世界贸易组织多边规则体系中并没有关于“发展中国家地位”的清晰界定,“自我认定”的方式正遭受一些国家的挑战。发展中国家地位和特殊与差别待遇条款密切相关,世界贸易组织规则体系中涵盖的155项特殊与差别待遇条款为发展中国家的国内政策提供了一定的灵活性,尽管多数为“最佳努力条款”。中国的发展中国家地位兼具身份和契约的双重属性,部分发达国家迫使中国放弃发展中国家地位,本质上旨在继续维持其在国际经济秩序中的主导地位。虽然中国的发展正处于“强起来”的第三阶段,但仍须坚持发展中国家地位不动摇。放弃发展中国家地位并不等于将获得发达国家的自动接纳,相反,还会影响到在其他国际组织和国际事务中的角色扮演,中国的发展离不开广大发展中国家的支持。当然,坚持发展中国家地位并不等于需要和其他发展中成员享受完全一致的差别待遇,在后续谈判中,中国可以保持一定的灵活性。在国际治理中,中国也将继续为国际社会的发展提供解决方案,树立负责任大国形象。  相似文献   
中共中央、国务院印发的《新时期产业工人队伍建设改革方案》提出,要帮助"新生代农民工增加受教育培训机会,提高专业技能和胜任岗位能力",并将教育作为促进农民工融入城市,成为稳定就业的产业工人的重要路径。以浙江省11个地级市的服务行业、建筑行业、制造业的从业人员为主要调查对象,了解浙江省新生代农民工接受继续教育的现状与特点,发现新生代农民工存在自身接受继续教育的动力意愿不足、企业进行职业技能培训投资的动力意愿不足等问题,并据此提出要做好终身教育宣传、搭建继续教育平台、优化在职培训模式等解决办法。  相似文献   
基于通识教育的内涵和师范教育的特性,师范院校通识教育的使命体现在两个层面:终极层面,即"完整的人"的培养;专业层面,即教育信念的培养。师范院校通识教育在理念、课程、教师、教学方式、教学管理等方面还存在问题。改进和完善师范院校通识教育,必须首先确立科学的通识教育理念,明确通识教育的使命,加强对通识教育理念的宣传;从通识教育的理念和使命出发,顶层设计通识教育课程体系;强化通识教育师资建设,建设一支专、兼结合的优质通识教育课程师资队伍;创新通识教育教学方式,积极推进小班讨论教学、研究型教学,强化经典导课程教学,在专业方向课程教学中融渗通识教育,将专业教育和通识教育有机结合;加强通识教育管理工作,探索建立全校层面的通识教育机构,建立通识教育质量评估反馈机制,建立通识教育课程教学助教制,实施双导师制,推进优质通识教学资源共享。  相似文献   
切斯特顿随笔对共同体的关注主要体现在传统与文化断裂、思考惰性与文化危机、教育与文化愿景这三个层面。传统的存留不仅是一个凝聚着社会关注的思想焦点,也是一个事关共同体文化发展的社会问题。切斯特顿对传统的态度更多意味着一种充满辩证法的审慎与稳妥,体现了一种对既有秩序感的依恋,以及对共同体未来的文化忧思。在切斯特顿看来,思考的惰性与对进步概念的误读其核心是一种智识缺席,这种缺席不仅阻碍了社会进步,也危及了共同体文化的良性发展。切斯特顿对教育的关注不仅具有文化史研究的现实关怀,也以一种对话精神渗透着一种事关共同体文化发展的愿景思考。  相似文献   
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